Thursday 25 September 2014

Branding and Brand Positioning


 BRAND  is a " term, Name, symbol, Design or other features that identifies the distinction between the product of one seller and the other." It refers to a symbol such as a logo, name, slogan and design scheme. Brand can also be referred to the overall perception of the consumer towards an offering.
                  A name becomes a brand when people associate it with a set of tangible and intangible benefits that they obtain from the product or the service. a strength of a brand is with its target groups. companies should create a sense of advocacy that is when you think that you own that brand.

BRAND EQUITY: "Measuring the strength of the brand in the market is brand equity."

          Definition:" The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products"  ("")

kit kat has a strong brand positioning in the market of confectioneries. 

The name itself is a brand which helps in identification of the product and distinguishing it from other products. Name of my product being “kitkat”.

The logo, a copyright of a company helps in differentiating one brand from the other.

Packaging helps in getting the brand identification in the store among other brands of the same category. Its colour, logo etc in packaging helps in distinguishing.

Tagline helps in retaining brand in the minds of the consumers, making them recollect the brand whenever the tagline appears. My brand has a tagline “have a break....have a kitkat.”

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