Sunday 20 July 2014

Buying process

                                CONSUMER BEHAVIOR

When a consumer thinks of purchasing  a product he covers a lot of stages which eventually help the costumer in deciding what to buy and what not to buy.

The  factors that influence the buying behavior of a customer are : 
A. Personal
B. Social 
C. Psychological 
           Personal : There are personal choices of customers who prefer one taste or the other or may be other choices depending on them. Some may prefer dairy milk over kit kat. 
           Social : At times a customers decision are influenced by the society he /she lives in. Family , friends, society influence consumers choices. 

           Psychological :  These are the factors such as motivation, perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes which tend to influence the minds of the consumer. kitkat as a product is not affected by these factors as it being  FMCG product.

                                    CONSUMER BUYING PROCESS

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