Tuesday 12 August 2014

Product Mix

Product mix is the number of products offered by a company for sale.  To see product mix for a product we need to look through the parent company of that product . the parent company of kit kat is nestle, its product mix is the range of products it sells to its customers.


The 4 dimensions of Product Mix: 



                    The different number of product lines that a company offers to its customers is the width of the company for example in case of nestle it provides from chocolates to refreshing drinks like Nestea to coffee like Nescafe. So there are a number of product lines. 


                  The number of products in a particular line will be its length, for example one of the product line of nestle is beverages so its length will be the no. of products in the list of the beverages that is Nescafe, Milo etc.


                  when the length of the product provides different variation in its same type of products then it is said to be depth. there can be variations like different flavor of different chocolates of nestle or the sizes of chocolates may vary or the shapes of different chocolates may vary.


                 Consistency  refers to how closely are the products of the product line related to each other in terms of taste ,price, production, distribution etc. which distinguishes one product of that company from the another product of the same line or category. for example: kit kat being different from munch and bar one, they have different production and distribution compared to kit kat. 




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